Thursday, September 18, 2008

BMW M3 E46 Chrome

BMW M3 E46 Chrome Desktop

BMW M3 E46 Chrome Desktop

BMW M3 E46 Chrome well done!

BMW M3 E46 Chrome well done!

BMW M3 E46 Chrome photos

BMW M3 E46 Chrome photos

BMW M3 E46 Chrome hot!

BMW M3 E46 Chrome hot!

BMW M3 E46 Chrome zoom view

BMW M3 E46 Chrome zoom view

BMW M3 E46 Chrome cowl

BMW M3 E46 Chrome cowl

BMW M3 E46 boot

BMW M3 E46 boot

BMW M3 E46 preparing

BMW M3 E46 preparing

BMW M3 E46 last study

BMW M3 E46 last study

There are three basic types of chrome plating. Original Equipment Manufacturer chrome, restoration show chrome and custom show chrome. OEM chrome has little or no polishing and a thin coat of copper/nickel plating (sometimes no copper undercoat). Restoration show chrome has considerable time spent on polishing and heavy coats of copper/nickel plating. Show Cars offers restoration show chrome, guaranteed to be far superior to OEM chrome. The third type is custom show chrome. Much more time is spent polishing before a heavy coat of copper is applied, more polishing and a heavy coat of nickel. We do not offer custom show chrome. If you wish to have custom show chrome, you should consider purchasing the raw part and working with a professional custom show chrome plater of your choice.
Thanks to
Image tags: bmw 3e46, bmwa e46, bmw ed46, mw e46, bmkw e46.

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