Monday, September 22, 2008

BMW 1 Series (five-door)

The spirit of a new generation. With a diesel or petrol engine, four or six cylinders. On long straights and tight bends.

BMW 1 Series (five-door)

BMW 1 Series (five-door)

Image tags: bms 1, bm2 1, bma 1, bkw 1, vbmw 1, hmw 1, bm3 1.

The BMW 1 Series has character. Its redesigned and enlarged front air inlets allow the engine to breathe deeply. The finishers of the double headlights are more contoured; the optional fog lights are now rectangular and even more distinctly shaped. The entire front mirrors the active and agile lines of the side, giving an impression of elegance and power thanks to the discreet refinements.

BMW 1 Series desktop wallpaper

BMW 1 Series desktop wallpaper

BMW 1 Series free background

BMW 1 Series free background

BMW 1 Series free gallery

BMW 1 Series free gallery

BMW 1 Series test wheels

BMW 1 Series test wheels

BMW 1 Series interior design

BMW 1 Series interior design

BMW 1 Series impression of elegance

BMW 1 Series impression of elegance

BMW 1 Series dynamic appearance

BMW 1 Series dynamic appearance

BMW 1 Series perfect harmony

BMW 1 Series perfect harmony

BMW 1 Series front spoiler

BMW 1 Series front spoiler

The dominance of the horizontal lines also lends the rear a more dynamic appearance. The distinct flow of the rear apron continues the lateral lines of the side skirts and is in perfect harmony with the front spoiler.
Image tags: bm,w 1, pmw 1, bmqw 1, bmvv 1, bm 1, vmw 1, bma 1.

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