Wednesday, September 24, 2008

BMW 6 Series Coupe

The BMW 6 Series Coupe is a statement in uncompromising style, performance and precision. Choose from two petrol models.

BMW 6 Series Coupe

BMW 6 Series Coupe

Image tags: hmw 6, vbmw 6, bmww 6, bmws 6, bm2 6.

BMW 6 Series Coupe has the proportions of a classic Gran Turismo Coupe. The dynamic front end angles down purposefully at the road, and the rest of the car follows suit.

BMW 6 Series Coupe uncompromising style

BMW 6 Series Coupe uncompromising style

BMW 6 Series Coupe performance and precision

BMW 6 Series Coupe performance and precision

BMW 6 Series Coupe photo gallery

BMW 6 Series Coupe photo gallery

BMW 6 Series classic Gran Turismo Coupe

BMW 6 Series classic Gran Turismo Coupe

BMW 6 background images

BMW 6 background images

BMW 650i desktop wallpapers

BMW 650i desktop wallpapers

BMW 650i Impeccable balance

BMW 650i Impeccable balance

BMW 650i Highly adaptable

BMW 650i Highly adaptable

BMW 650i Highly selective

BMW 650i Highly selective

Image tags: bvmw 6, bmdw 6, bmwq 6, bgmw 6, bmwd 6, bmws 6, bmew 6.

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