Saturday, November 29, 2008

The New 2009 Volkswagen Jetta TDI

The New 2009 Volkswagen Jetta TDI
The state of California has the toughest vehicle emissions regulations in the world in its LEV II (and the corresponding national Tier 2 Bin 5) standards. Those rules treat all engine types the same regardless of what fuel they use. It doesn't matter if the engine runs on gasoline, diesel or cow dung, the emissions standards are the same. These rules are so tight that no manufacturer has been able to sell light-duty passenger vehicles powered by diesel engines in California and four other states for the last several years. That's all about to change beginning with last month's sales launch of the 2009 Volkswagen Jetta TDI. The Jetta TDI is the first new diesel-powered car to meet the tough T2B5 standards, and it's fitting that VW invited us out to the birthplace of these emissions regulations to drive it. We spent a day driving the Jetta TDI in and around Santa Monica to gauge whether it has the right balance of Fahrvergnügen and low fuel consumption to be a viable alternative to cars like the Prius, Civic and Focus. Continue after the jump to find out more.
My friends know that I'm a geek about cars. When it comes time to buy any kind of transportation, friends and acquaintances often gravitate toward me for counsel. When asked what's the best car for the money, I almost invariably respond with my own barrage of questions. I don't believe there is one best car for everyone, so it all depends on your combination of needs, desires and resources. Hard as it is for some to believe, there are a folks for whom a big SUV makes sense. I don't know any of them personally, but I can definitely imagine who they are. But we're not here right now to discuss SUVs.


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