Wednesday, February 14, 2007

2007 Clipsal Grid Girls Australia Day Promo

2007 Clipsal Grid Girls Australia Day Promo

Photographer: Chris Stabelfeldt

Big thanks to Chris for posting this pic on the web. This is the best pic I have seen so far of the girls in the new uniform. Couple of familiar faces too (I think). The lovely Emma Sainsbury and the vavacious Sonia Frish. Both have been clipsal grid girls before.

Strangely in all my efforts I still have not managed to catch the girls at a promo event and get a few pics myself. I somehow completely forgot about the launch at the Entertainment Center. I did see the girls at Small Car Sunday but for some reason they were wearing last years outfit. I actually walked past the Australia Day celebrations where this pic was taken on my way to the cricket. I spotted the cars but not the girls. Didn't have my camera on me anyway!

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